Saturday 26 April 2014

The Deku Mask Part 1 - Paper Mache Time

This is the first step I'll be walking you through to make your own Deku Mask inspired from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, one of my favourite games of all time! 

You can build your own Deku Mask to wear or a wall display like this!

Remember in grade school doing Paper Mache? Well, we're going to kick it up a notch! In part 1 we're going from scratch to the base you'll need to crave out the Deku Mask. 

-Paper Strips (lots)
-White Glue
-Plastic Container (large) with a lid
-Cardboard Box
-Hair Dryer
-A Mold*

Nate's cheap mold - a ball and some cardboard (Under $1)
*The Mold
You'll need some sort of dome to build your paper mache on. I used a ball from the dollar store, using cardboard as a stand. I covered the whole thing in plastic wrap. If you want to spend a little more money, you can visit a craft store like Michael's and get a half dome floral foam base. (I couldn't find a foam dome at the dollar store, one from Michael's cost about $8)

A floral foam base from Michael's ($8)

Paper Mache Time!
The basis of "Paper Mache"is take strips of paper soaked in a glue and water mixture and lay it overtop a mold (multiple layers makes this really firm). For our purposes, get started taking news paper and rip them into approx. 1inch wide strips, trying to at least get 30cm long strips. You'll need a lot, so don't be shy, rip away!

Next, start adding water and white glue in your plastic container until you have a skim milk like consistency. Emmerse a strip of paper in the water glue and lay it over the mold repeat this until you have a layer. It is important to let one layer dry before starting the next. If you can't wait, use a hair drier to dry!

When you get a bout 10-12 layers thick, let it sit for a day! Take a rest and don't rush this part, letting it air dry for about 24 hours gets all the moisture your hair drier can't reach!

After drying, it should easily pop off with some gentle tugging....

When it fully dries, it should easily come off with a little gentle tugging here and there. After this you'll be ready for the next step (coming soon)

Part 2 - "It's cutting time!"

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