Monday 26 September 2016

TJ Perkin's "Playing with Power" Sounds like Mega Man

Since WWE's 2016 Pay Per View "Clash of Champions" - the WWE has released a video of the song used by TJ Perkins for his new entrance from that night, where he successfully defended his title from his rival and previous friend THE Brian Kendrick. The song "Playing with Power" may cause retro video game fans to compare the Chiptune track to themes such as Mega Man's Wily's Stage 1. We break down his entire entrance (click here)

Sunday 25 September 2016

TJ Perkin's "Mega Man" Style Entrance at Clash of Champions

The "Urban" definition of swag has come to mean one who's full of style, conversely the traditional definition can also mean stolen goods, or "loot" to a thief. At WWE's Pay Per View Clash of Champions, Cruiser-weight Champion TJ Perkins unveiled a new entrance that had many references to various sub-cultures including Retro Gaming, "Sneaker heads" and Hip Hop. (I break it down after the jump)